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What are crystals?

Have you ever stopped and wondered ‘what are crystals’?  Have the little cards at the crystal shop given you the meanings and the benefits but left you scratching your head about why they really work?  We’ll attempt to give you the facts and will share the science behind the spiritual.

The science bit

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

-Albert Einstein


Science has proven that matter is empty space.  Energy makes up this empty space.  Therefore, energy is everything and everything is energy.  We are energy, the ground we walk on is energy.  Our computers are energy and our all important crystals are energy.  Everything is a bag of vibrating energy!

As human beings we all have our own unique frequency of vibration.  Some people who radiate love, peace, kindness and compassion have higher vibrations.  However, those who experience low vibrations can suffer from anger, fear, anxiety and jealousy.

As humans our vibrational frequency is super unstable and unbalanced, it is very easily influenced.  We change from one moment to the next as we move between other people, the news, social media, good news, bad news, memories etc.

Crystals have the amazing benefit of having a frequency which is stable and doesn’t ever change.  The reason being, they are made up of a fixed, regularly repeating and perfect geometric pattern of molecules.  They maintain a perfect stability.  This is completely different to our changing world of mood and external influences.

As crystals vibrate at their own frequency, in the same way as each cell in your body and the same way as your chakra system.  When we come into contact with crystals our different vibrational frequencies connect and this helps to enhance our spiritual, emotional and physical needs.

We can therefore see the connection between crystals and us as humans.  The crystals have a more stable and powerful energy.  Powerful energy influences the energies around it.  As we have a less unstable energy the stable crystals highly influence us.

Crystals and the chakras

Crystals have a stable energy, however, just like us they do vibrate at different energy frequencies.  The colour very much depends on the level of frequency.  Red crystals vibrate at a much lower frequency than violet or white.  We can see the connection here when we look at the chakra system which reside just under the skin alongside our spine.  Red is the root chakra and is the lowest in terms of location and of energy frequency and violet/white/purple are the crown chakra which vibrates at a much higher frequency and is our connection to the ether and The Universe.

  • Muladhara (the Root Chakra) Red
  • Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra) Orange
  • Manipura (the Navel Chakra) Yellow
  • Anahata (the Heart Chakra) Pale Green (Sometimes pale pink)
  • Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra) Blue
  • Ajna (the Third-Eye Chakra) Indigo
  • Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra) Violet/White/Colourless

Choosing a crystal

As our chakra vibrations and colours coincide with the energy of crystals, we can choose the same colour in order to balance our own energy system.  This is why many people choose to begin their collections with a chakra starter kit, it’s an instant collection and helps to bring about balance in our chakra system.

If you are looking to create some fire in your belly and some get up and go, then yellow stones like citrine which match the yellow of our solar plexus (our fire centre) is a great place to start.

Or perhaps you are struggling with communication.  Blue stones like sodalite and blue chalcedony are linked to the throat chakra, our communication centre.

If you are unsure of which crystal to use.  Let your intuition guide you – maybe you are drawn to one in particular, or perhaps you just love the colour of one.  Your body, mind and spirit in union will know exactly what it needs.

It has been said many times that where thought or attention goes, energy flows.  That being the case, it’s so beneficial to use our crystals in conjunction with our own positive thoughts and intentions.  Let the energy be amplified and let the benefits flood in.

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