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Rose Quartz Heart



Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal for any collection and our rose quartz hearts are a beautiful gift.

Known for being the crystal of universal love, it restores harmony to relationships, it encourages unconditional love to ourselves and others.

Rose Quartz encourages love, kindness, friendship, romantic and platonic love.  A stone to calm, reassure and to provide comfort in times of change, and when dealing with past hurt.

Love is the most powerful energy in our Universe.  Rose Quartz is full of loving, peaceful energy which vibrates at the high frequency if love and light.

All of our crystal hearts are unique, however it is possible that you will not receive the actual item featured.




Additional information

Metaphysical Benefits

Opens the Heart Chakra/Anahata Chakra

Turns negative energy into positive energy

Promotes a feeling of unconditional love for self and others

Manifests feelings of self-worth and self-love

Promotes calm and understanding conversations.

Energy Properties

Aids Communication, Love, Calming, Insight


pink, rose

Healing Benefits

Alleviates Vertigo, Balances physical heart on a cellular level, Cleanses the circulatory system, Fertility, Protection

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