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A powerful and non-harmful way of clearing your crystal is by Reiki and Intention Cleansing.  Some crystals and stones may not be submerged in water, salt or can fade in the sunlight.  In addition placing your crystals outside to do a moonlight cleanse may not be a safe, depending on where you live.  This is when the power of Reiki and using intention cleansing can be useful.

Reiki Cleansing:

Reiki isn’t only about being able to heal people and animals. Reiki practitioners have the ability to be able to cleanse crystals by calling upon the pure light and positive energy which comes from the Universe.  The practice of Reiki is believed to relieve crystals from negative and harmful energy.

Intention Cleansing:

We all have the ability to be able to cleanse crystals purely by setting a positive intention.  Hold your crystal in the palm of your hand and focusing on the intention of the negative energy being wooshed away. Blow your thoughts onto the stone and visualise the stone being surrounded by a bright healing light.  Holding the intention in this way and using your breath allows the crystal to be cleansed and purified.  A positive breath can push away negative energy.


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