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Cleansing in water gives you the perfect excuse to spend time outside getting in touch with Mother Earth.  A beautiful way to cleanse your crystals is to run under natural running wild and free water.

Water is a wonderful cleanser for our bodies, mind and our spirit and in the same way it works for crystals too.  By holding your crystal under running water (making sure you have a good hold remember) any negative energy which is attaching itself to your stone is washed away.  It helps also to imagine any negative and unwanted energy flowing away and being neutralised by the running water.


Look after our environment

For the sake of  not wasting water we prefer to use a natural source available on our beautiful earth.  Think about the various options available to you.  If you are lucky enough to live near a stream or river this is fabulous.  But think outside the box also.  Rain and snow are as equally environmentally friendly as is the sea!

Whatever water source you choose,  it’s great to have the water running over your crystal for about 1-2 minutes, taking the time to have an intention in mind which you can set at the same time.

You can also collect water (this works well with sea water and snow for example) and place your crystals in a bowl.  This way you can leave the crystal for 2-3 minutes – or even longer if you like.

Do your research:

Please however be aware!  Water can cause crystals to break, split or even in some cases dissolve or become toxic.  Before placing your stones in water or out in the rain, make sure they are OK getting wet.  Stones such as any of the quartz family are safe to put out in the rain or hold under running water.  However, any brittle or soft stones should be kept dry as they will get damaged.

When you have finished cleansing your crystals, ensure they are completely dry by patting (not rubbing).

It is of course possible to cleanse your crystals using tap water, simply by holding your crystal under a running tap or you could use bottled water.  Personally, we find this very wasteful! However, I have known friends multi-task when they’re in the shower, which is a great idea for one off pieces!

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