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The importance of cleansing crystals soon becomes natural to you as you start to feel the energy of the crystals.  Think about the number of people who have had contact with the crystal prior to you purchasing your new found friend.  Negative energy or that which does not serve the greater good of the new owner can still be attached to the crystal. The act of cleansing allows the crystal to return to it’s original energy, clears negative energies attached and is then ready for preparation for work with you.  Cleansing re-calibrates the stone and makes it clear again.

We cleanse your crystals using a variation of methods  and by using reiki, with a little bit of extra love added just for you.  This way you can be sure that your crystal is cleansed and ready for you to set your intention.

Cleansing Crystals
The Importance of Cleansing Crystals

How often should we cleanse our crystals?

This is very much dependent on what you are using your crystal for.  For example, if you are using your crystal for protection then it’s wise to cleanse daily or as often as you feel is necessary.
The more your use your crystals the more energy they collect. Therefore, many people say in general to cleanse about once a month.  This ties in nicely if you choose to do a full moon or new moon cleanse.
If however, your crystal is sat on a shelf simply looking gorgeous in your home and isn’t being worked with, then once or twice a year is fine.  If your crystals are safely boxed away, again it’s still nice to give them an annual cleanse.

You can choose one of a few of the cleansing options available to you from the full moon, new moon and sunshine to sound and incense etc. [INTERNAL LINKS HERE]

A few extra tips:

~ Amethyst, clear quartz, and carnelian can be used as cleansing agents themselves. Of course, they’ll need to be cleaned later, separately.
~ Kyanite, azeztulite, citrine, and selenite do not require any cleansing.
~ Lepidolite, alabaster, turquoise, opalulexite, calcite, hematite, spectrolite, and carnelian should not be cleansed with salt water.
~ Opal, amethyst, and turquoise should not be cleansed in the sunlight.

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